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Types of Business Operations Where Humans Team Up With Machines

Artificial intelligence it’s helping organizations in many ways. Routine processes and tasks are automated and optimized to save time and money. Productivity has been increased because operations are efficient. Business decisions are quick to make because data analysis provides intelligent advice and support. Customers can now get personalized experience because machines are able to predict the customer’s preferences because of data analysis. Organizations are earning more revenue because sales are increasing thanks to machines improving customer satisfaction. Artificial intelligence reduces mistakes that are caused by human errors to enhance the provision of quality products and services. The following are operations of organizations that are in different industries which have been automated. Your organization should choose to automate some of these operations.

Manufacturing companies are automating the performance of physical activities. The physical activities that are being automated mostly involved was that require operating machinery in a predictable environment which takes up most of the employee’s time. A good example is packaging products, loading cargo onto trucks in the warehouse, mixing ingredients, and so on.

Hospitality companies like restaurants are now using machinery to prepare food, serve it, and clean the dishes, among other activities. A restaurant that needs many employees can now run with very few of them because the majority of repetitive work is being done by machinery. You will not like to see machinery in hospitals. Patients who undergo surgery, treatment for chronic diseases like cancer, those in ICU, when doctors perform diagnostic procedures, and so many other operations in the hospital need machinery.

Retailers are taking advantage of machinery to maintain sales records, gather information about customers, and serve customers and so on. There is high human interaction with machinery at retail stores, but the interaction is minimal because the machinery does most of the work. Although retailing requires more human interaction to advertise the products and services, there are many other innovations that retailers need.

Organizations are automating the work of professionals. Machines are now doing Accounting, procurement, payroll, marketing, inventory management, and other tasks of professionals. Machinery is used to analyses data for consultancy firms such as finance and insurance agencies and offer recommendations to clients. All activities in the business that involve the collection of data and recording it have been made easy and fast and with the help of machinery. Organizations benefit because of the reduction of employees they should hire, which reduces expenses of salaries and increases profits.

The majority of tasks of blue-collar jobs are relying heavily on machinery. Excavation contractors use excavation trucks. Cranes are not only used at construction sites but also to collect trash in public places. Farmers are using the machinery for preparing the pieces of land, planting, irrigation, harvesting, among many other activities. Those activities that are strenuous and beyond the ability of human energy to perform are left to machinery. Activities such as collecting garbage risk human health; hence, they are left to the machines.

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