Canadian prosperous entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship is not very popular in Canada. Successful entrepreneurs have strong drive and a positive attitude Brendon McCullough. When talking about Brendon McCullough Canadian entrepreneurs, the following individuals possess these qualities.
John Redpath. The Canadian sugar refining company was built by him. The name was later changed to John Redpath and son. He shared his fortune to the support of Montreal General Hospital. He worked with the government to end white slave trade in female immigrants. Hardships were part of his life because he was born during the lowland clearances in Scotland. When he was in cubic City he did not have money with him, this made him to walk barefoot to Montreal to save his shoes from wearing out. He was already a major Montreal building contractor in the early 1820. He Brendon McCullough used his own money to support the local industries in Montreal. He promoted country investment associations and helped Canada to come up with Capital markets through his achievements.
Ron Joyce. He is the cofounder and first franchisee of Tim Hortons Children Foundation. He was raised in Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia. He became a police officer in his mid-50s after he had relocated to Hamilton Ontario. after the death of Tim Horton in a car accident Joyce bought his share of the company and opened up small chains up to over 3000 stores. Having retired, Joyce now has his eyes on charity notably the Tim Hortons children’s Foundation. The kids have an opportunity to go to one of the six camps in Canada or USA because of the foundation.
Joseph Armand Bombardier He started showing early skills in mechanic and he was passionate about machines. He learnt about the operation of complex machinery. He loved doing research during his spare time. In 1937 after a lot of persistence Joseph produced a 7-passenger transporter and got a patent for it. The Auto-Neige Bombardier was started in 1942. He still wanted to build the lightweight individual passenger snowmobile. He has dominated the snowmobile market over the years.
John molson. We should appreciate John for the ever-popular beer. In Canada it is the second position Internationally it is in the fifth position. He Brendon McCullough from Canada established the first distillery in Lower Canada. His contributions led the Canadian government to a create John Molson stamp. He was born in Britain and even though he had money he could not do whatever he wants. His inheritance was taken away from him and his grandfather took care of him when his father died. Later on Molson held a seat in the legislative assembly. He created Lawrence steamship company.