Importance Of Education For Youth Aging Out Of Foster Care
The only way that youth who are aging out of foster care can be able to take care of themselves is when they have good jobs which they can obtain after getting an education. Without education, the youth may end up in criminal activity which can lead to criminal records. Cities will benefit when foster youth are in schools instead of on the streets doing crimes since this can cause insecurity. Another challenge that faces youth who are aging out of foster care is the lack of a home which leads to homelessness. Foster youth can succeed when they get a tuition waiver which will enable them to reach their dreams in life.
Some of the foster youth are brilliant and they can be able to achieve good grades and get an education which will help them in the future. When foster youth get funding for their education, they will be able to pursue the careers that they desire. Lawmakers have the ability to make policies that will enable funding of college education for foster youth and this will be beneficial for the many foster youth in a country. Politicians can be able to speak up on behalf of foster youth so that they can get a good college education to improve their lives.
Ashleigh Hunt is one of the lawyers who has been involved in advocacy to ensure that there is additional funding for college education for foster youth. One way for change to happen is through the education of foster youth and this can be done through advocacy which will ensure that lawmakers commit to looking into the problem of lack of education for foster youth. There will be an improvement in this issue when people commit to taking action. One will be able to have more impact with one’s message when one tailors a message according to the group that one is addressing when advocating for more funding for education for foster youth.
Additional funding for college education for foster youth can be achieved especially when one speaks to people who have power and influence. It is important that the matter of foster youth is taken seriously so that foster youth can have a brighter future and contribute to a country’s economy. Giving access to college education will show foster youth that they are valuable to society.