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The Benefits of Purchasing Clean Macroalgae for Your Refugium

It is usually not easy to grow aquarium macroalgae species that we love. The additional responsibility of containing the most hated pests species is not wanted by anyone. This is because it can be a time consuming and costly ordeal. Therefore, the easiest way of dealing with these pests is by preventing them from entering the refugium in the first place. This is not still easy; however, since some of these pests are very tough and sneaky. They usually join along in shipments of attractive aquarium livestock. Microalgae are well appropriate for harboring many of these organisms. Both cultured and wild microalgae can transfer aquarium pests by giving them a comfortable environment during shipment.

Microalgae should however not be avoided due to the fear of these pest species. The reason for this is because there are many benefits of macroalgae in a refugium. By purchasing clean macroalgae, you can be able to reduce the risks of moving a pest species into the aquarium. It is however not easy to tell whether macroalgae are completely pure even though some of the dealers will do anything to ensure that all these unwanted organisms are eliminated. Why this is hard is because some fragments, eggs, and pores can still slip through the toughest quarantine process. Therefore before adding any new macroalgae to an aquarium, they should be thoroughly inspected.

However before purchasing macroalgae from a dealer, it is important to ensure that they are properly cleaned, safely treated and thoroughly inspected. This is because cleaned macroalgae are the only safest option for the overall biosecurity. Sea lettuce and spaghetti algae are the most common known carriers of pests, and so you need to make an excellent choice when buying. For the sake of having healthy fish, it is essential to put clean macroalgae in your aquarium. They will assist in removing unnecessary nutrients from the water.

A refugium with clean microalgae will also help in absorbing the nutrients that other kinds of unwanted algae use to grow, hence helping in controlling them from easily blooming. The growth of small creatures is also allowed, which would not have a chance to survive when pests already infest the macroalgae. These creatures become a great source of food for the coral and the fish in your aquarium. Additionally, they are enjoyable and beautiful to cultivate. However, a new microalga can come with unwanted pests. It is therefore important to ensure that none of these pests finds their way into the aquarium. Purchasing macroalgae from a trusted dealer and using high-quality cleaning products is the only way of making this possible.

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